Friday, October 30, 2020

All Is Well!

 Life has officially resumed with us being able to visit Bunnings at will.  The run this morning will be a first of many.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ringwood Reno

 Our first day of release from total lockdown coincided with Lisa's day off so we were very excited to be able to visit and see the changes that are taking place in the house. Mark and Lisa have done a power of work clearing out and making a versatile utility space in the roof cavity.  Eventually Jack will use it as a bedroom and the space at the other end will be a games room with screens on opposite walls so combat can take place!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Park Picnic

 As the current pandemic lockdowns ease and there is a little more freedom of movement, we were able to meet up with Lisa, Mark and the boys in the park for a picnic.  It has been a long time since we have seen Jack, Cooper and Lachlan so the catchup was eagerly anticipated.  Luckily, the predicted rain held off.

The biggest change has been the growth in the boys.  The balance is rapidly changing as Granny drops back down the list of the family's tallest members.  She now sits between Lachlan and Cooper but it probably will not be that way for long.
The feast was demolished in short order so appetites have held up over this period as has Granny's cooking.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Snow Pea Heaven

 The snow peas we planted some time ago are nearly climbing out of their enclosure and we are getting some great production from them. A good meal every couple of days.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Now That's Nice!

 The sun is out and the new front garden is starting to come to life after a dormant winter. 

We suddenly have a garden full of bees and were thinking it is starting to come together, then we found this in our letterbox

Inciteful Retrospective

 In tracking through the old photos, we have come across evidence of the early development of a car obsession.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Creative Containment

 We are more than a little over being confined to quarters so other activities are required.  Brett had overdone his bean production so the surplus has been planted along the drive in the hope of the abundance to come.

I have finally been able to modify my equipment to photograph old negative film.  Many of the photos we have but there are a few that may prove interesting.
Strangely, we all look a little different in the old photos.