The Lake House development continues at a rapid pace. The sewage system is in and commissioned and the plumber has checked off all the water and gas fittings. Mark has installed a roof window in the inside toilet and last weekend they managed to plaster the cavity.
Monday, March 10, 2025
The Joys Of Old Age
My eyes have never been great and getting shingles in my left eye did not help one bit. Unfortunately the resultant slow deterioration resulted in an ulcer rupturing my left eye. The consequence was a night in the Eye and Ear Hospital as they applied glue to the eye to seal the wound. Luckily the Hospital is near Parliament Station so getting to the followup checkups has not been too difficult.
Birthday Celebrations - Mitchell and Claire
Brett and Cathy hosted a family gathering to celebrate both Mitchell and Claire's Birthdays. As the family numbers grow, we can't all fit around a table so a more casual arrangement was put in place. General opinion was that it was highly successful.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Lachlan Scores Again
Lachlan's basketball team are not the strongest in the competition but they are getting better. We were hopeful this week that they may get a win but they fell away in the second half. Lachlan, on the other hand continues to improve and came away with a bunch of goals this week.