Monday, December 30, 2024

Shaping the Raised Garden

 I have now started forming the new raised garden where we had previously parked the caravan.  As with all projects there are setbacks.  My first blip was to put a crow-bar into the storm water drain for Unit 2.  That has set the schedule back a couple of days!

Christmas in Paris

 Brett and Cathy had a few days in Paris after Christmas seeing the sights and checking out the French Cuisine.  While there they were able to see the newly rebuilt and cleaned Notre Dame and spend a day at Versailles.

Using The Lake House

 Mark and Lisa were able to stay at the Lake House for a couple of days.  Although there is plenty to do for completion they can now comfortably "camp" in the house.  While there, their new kayaks had a workout.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas Day

 Having had the family event of Christmas Eve, we were invited to have Christmas lunch with Lisa and Mark and family. 

Lisa and Cooper had constructed a super detailed ginger bread house for the occasion.  It had windows and doors with log walls and shingle roof.  It seemed like an act of vandalism to break it up to eat!

A European Christmas

 It does not take a lot of deduction to work out where Brett and Cathy and family spent their Christmas Day.

Christmas Eve

 Our Christmas gathering was a smaller event this year with Brett, Cathy and family away in Europe.  However it was still a joyous event with the weather cooperating (after a cold wet start to the day).  There was still plenty of food as a precursor to our Christmas Game.

As usual there was a wide variety of useful and dubious presents submitted to the pool.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Our Next Project

 Having sold the Caravan we have decided to create a raised garden in the vacant space.  The sleepers were delivered and now the building of the garden has to start.

Into Switzerland

 From Venice, Brett Cathy and family took the train into Switzerland heading for Lucerne.

Holiday Preparation

 Even though the Lake House still requires work, it has sufficient facilities to enable the family to spend time there over the holiday period.  Mark loaded up the ute with gear in preparation for the holidays.

Brett and Cathy in Venice

 Following their time in Rome, Brett and Cathy had a few days in Venice.

Patrick's Asian Adventure

 After an intense year at Uni, Patrick and his mates took off for a flying visit to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.  At no time did they appear to be in the lap of luxury however from the reports they had a great time.  One of the highlights being a tour through the mountains of Laos as a passenger on a small motor cycle.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Wedding Anniversary No 55

 We now have 55 Wedding Anniversaries under our belts so have worked out how to do them.  This one was celebrated at East Alley in Tunstall followed by a celebratory orchid from Adam and Kate.

Brett, Cathy and Family in Italy

 Brett, Cathy and the family are now in the early stages of their long planned European vacation.  The first part has been in Rome and surrounds and it is clearly cooler than here in Melbourne.

As well as touring Rome, they have been to Pompeii and Florence.

Drive Cut

 Now the van has been sold we can get on with the next stage of our house project that involves moving the rear fence.  To do this the drive concrete had to be cut and removed so a new garden can be created before the fence is moved.  That has now been done.

Hilux Moves On

 Having sold the caravan, the tow vehicle, our beloved Hilux has now become surplus to requirements.  We are therefore super happy that James wants to take it over.  Farewell dear friend!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Sophie's Portrait

 Sophie has now finished school for the year so we had a chance to take her portrait for Granny's Gallery to mark her 17th birthday.

Jack - The Coach

 With the completion of exams and the school year, Jack has taken on the role of Coach for Lachlan's team who have not had a Coach this season.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Cherax destructor Comes to Visit

 While Brett, Cathy and the family are in Europe, the Yabby has come to stay with us. His antics keep us interested.

Lake House Landscaping

 Work at the Lake House continues.  A large drain right down the high side of the block now prevents water draining from higher ground across the block.  With the drain in place, Mark is now trying to establish some grass to hold the soil in place and stabilise the slope.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

DefendTex Christmas Party

 DefendTex had their Christmas Party last weekend.  Both Lisa and Adam had been invited. Lisa and Mark called over for a quick pic before they went and Kate organised their photo for us.  A good looking crew!

Grand Final Win

 It was a big day yesterday for Holly and Cathy. It was their Grand Final day and they were heading for Europe that evening.  Coach Cathy had brought the team from second last on the ladder a few weeks ago into the Grand Final so a Grand Final win was a great way to celebrate the season.  Holly had her full Fan Club of family and friends cheering her on.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Lachlan's Award

 Lachlan has had a good year and we went along to the Presentation Evening to see him being presented with his Certificate of  Academic Excellence for his consistently high results for the year.  He is also a member of the Stage Band and they played before the ceremony to introduce the evening.

When our grandchildren do well we like to bask in their glory!